Monday, July 16, 2007

The Cheerio Hero

Noah was a hero in the nursery yesterday. He knocked over a huge bin of Cheerios for all the babies! We couldn't clean them up fast enough, so several of the kiddos had a field day, eating their way through the pile. This picture was taken when most of the cereal was cleaned up. (Clay said he thought of putting some on the floor before Noah spilled them. It would have been easier since we had 7 babies to feed snacks to!) Also, when the other babies had enough and moved on to other things, our wonderful little eater was still eating the Cheerios by the handfuls!


Amanda said...

I think that may be one of the funniest and cutest things I've ever seen! Noah - you are sure to win "Class Favorite" among the babies.

Anonymous said...


well, you are making points with the ladies again!
By the way, where is the other shoe??


Robin said...

Dad- Noah is continuing his pattern of never leaving both shoes on his feet. I don't know how he manages to always do this! What a silly baby!

Love you! See you next weekend!

Megan said...

that is funny! did y'all just happen to be in the nursery that day?

Robin said...

Hey Megan, We had nursery duty so we witnessed the whole event! Noah was quite the Lady's Man that day!

I saw Jolie with the mop bucket. So priceless! I can't believe I have several more years of Noah getting into everything! At least that was an easy mess to clean up!

C.T. said...


I bet those girls were lovin you :) I'm so proud of you for sharing. lol! I'll see you next weekend :) love you

Aunt Kaykie

Anonymous said...


That's one more thing I like about you! You know how to get what you want!! You even know how to get others what they want! I love you so much and can't wait until the big birthday!!


Anonymous said...

you are going to be just like your uncle L ! your already being good with the ladies !!! I love you! I'll see you next weekend!

love, uncle landon